SocialMag is a responsive magazine theme that provides a quick way for companies, startups, app developers, shops and bloggers to create a great looking magazine for content marketing. Focusing on content layouts, media and social sharing, SocialMag brings WordPress websites up to date with any online magazine and makes a great modern business theme. Custom controls for all typography. Header Video, Featured content section, masonry grids with multiple layouts, ad management, header layouts, full & boxed width, custom colors, custom panels, magazine slider, landing page, portfolio template, multiple sidebar layouts, font selection, social sharing, social network icons, Contact Form 7 integration and styles, custom contact page, custom ad sections for affiliate ads and Google Adsense. SocialMag comes WooCommerce, BBPress, BuddyPress compatible. SEO integration and makes full use of the Theme Customizer making it easy to customize your website.

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